ABCmouse Regular English Course

Dadi ABCmouse Guided Learning  Curriculum Description

The "Dadi ABCmouse Guided Learning Activity" is a comprehensive and practical field activity carefully selected and organized for children aged 3-6. This activity integrates resources from the world's largest multi-disciplinary online learning platform,, following the principle of "learning through play" and the rules of children's language acquisition. It uses a step-by-step extension approach to allow Chinese children to enjoy high-quality resources that are synchronized with international standards in various fields.

High-quality and professional activity content:

The Dadi ABCmouse offline coaching activity covers a wide range of content, starting from basic sounds to simple vocabulary, incorporating conversational phrases in daily life. It includes elements such as poetry, songs, art, books, puzzles, games, and more. All of these are designed to expose children to a rich array of activity resources within their short time in kindergarten. This allows them to discover their interests, independently choose, and acquire corresponding language activities.

The ABCmouse offline coaching activity for kindergarten is divided into eight levels, catering to four different age groups.

Breakdown of content:

Basic Pronunciation: Covers common vocabulary used in daily spoken language and basic vocabulary. It is presented in the form of real objects or images, incorporating engaging interactive games to help children joyfully recognize and effortlessly acquire them.

Sentence Puzzles: Presented in the form of sentence puzzles and game activities, based on the vocabulary learned. These extend into the use of easily understandable and catchy short sentences, making it convenient for children to apply what they've learned, encouraging divergent thinking.

Chant& Songs: Cleverly integrates pronunciation, words, and practical sentence patterns, selecting lively and cheerful melodies. This allows children to sing happily and perform effortlessly while unconsciously reinforcing what they've learned.

Books & Stories: Properly extends and reinforces pronunciation, vocabulary, and sentences, enabling children to transition from pronunciation to words, then sentences. This spiral progression eventually leads to storytelling, resulting in a qualitative leap in language expression skills, all achieved imperceptibly.

Art: Relevant to children's daily activities, it offers multi-dimensional learning opportunities while allowing children more room for imagination and the release of their natural creativity.

Classic Nursery Rhymes: Utilizes Western classics and authentic nursery rhymes with delightful melodies accompanied by exquisite animations, allowing children to pleasantly experience related foreign cultures.

Flexible Use of Scientific Methods: [Group Activities] [Computer Classroom] [Home-School Collaboration] [Special Activities] [Fragmented Time]

1. [Group Activities]: Organized by campus teachers, these are collective activities that combine online and offline elements using the ABCmouse platform. Teachers transition from instructors to guides, utilizing the website's functionality along with interactive speech and physical activities to help children develop good habits of "listening carefully, following along" and "observing diligently, learning independently."

2. [Computer Classroom]: Organized by campus teachers and utilizing the computer classroom platform, this provides every child with the opportunity for independent computer use, group interactions, and presentations.

3. [Home-School Collaboration]: Conducted jointly by parents and children, this entails daily enjoyable family game time, combined with free exploration arrangements. It helps children share various language activities they've learned and discover their interests at an early stage.

4. [Fragmented Time]: Organized by campus teachers, this effectively combines the scattered moments of daily life, creating an environment to deepen impressions and gradually internalize learning.

5.[Special Activities]: Organized by campus teachers, these are conducted throughout each semester, promoting children's interest in interactive engagement effectively and encouraging them to speak without realizing it.

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